Friday 6 September 2024

MTRCB Reclassifies Alipato at Muog to R-16 following Second Review


The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) has reclassified "Alipato at Muog" with an R-16 rating after a second review by a five-member board committee comprised of Review Committee Chairperson lawyer Maria Gabriela Concepcion, and Members lawyer Paulino Cases, Jr., film and TV producer JoAnn Bañaga, executive and music producer Eloisa Matias and retired educator Maria Carmen Musngi.

The Committee considered the importance of balancing the interests not only of the constitutionally protected right to freedom of expression with the State’s interest in maintaining public order and integrity.

The Review Committee also determined that "a more mature viewer is necessary to understand, dissect, and grapple with the serious issues presented in this documentary, without compromising their own faith and confidence in the government."

R-16 rated films are only suitable for audiences aged 16 and above.

Meanwhile, the MTRCB clarifies that while the Board supports academic film showings which serve as an avenue for meaningful fora and film appreciation, it is to be understood that public exhibition of films in the academe still falls under the jurisdiction of the MTRCB.

Pursuant to Section 7 of Presidential Decree No. 1986 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, only those motion pictures, television programs and publicity materials that are directly imprinted or exhibited by the Philippine Government and/or its departments and agencies are exempt from review and classification by the Board.

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