Thursday 14 July 2016

Movie Review: Dukot

Dukot is about a teenage boy Carlo who is kidnapped and locked up in a remote barrio, he desperately looks for ways to escape while his father Charlie tries to put up the ransom money to get him back. Carlo loses hope and any chance of freedom when the elite police force tasked to rescue him loses its lead in a botched ransom payoff and the ruthless gang of criminals decides it's time to kill him. His only way out is to fight his way out or die trying to escape.

Smart, powerfully acted, and intense. Dukot offers film-goers a quality local suspense crime film with an ensemble cast that showcase brilliant performance. Christopher De Leon's character as Manong Jonh involves  Paul Soriano's galvanizing vision and an actor's willingness to let character drive performance. The film's brilliant cinematography parallel with the tight screenplay is commendable. Dukot may be a thinly scoped story with tried and tested theme, but the film's vision and treatment turns it into a surprisingly captivating story. I can say that Dukot is one of the finest films of 2016. Believable, straight-ahead, logical dramatization of the real-life kidnap story it is based on with good dynamics in all characters.

My Verdict:  4.5/5

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