Monday 15 July 2024

KA.SEEN.HALAGA (HPV.OUT!) shines light on HPV awareness


Not a lot of people talk about HPV, a cancer-causing virus that takes the lives of many. Although most of those afflicted by it remain invisible, three characters in the play Ka. Seen halaga (HPV, Out!) find ways to be heard and seen.


One of these characters is GIRLTOK, a teenage girl who needs permission from her parents, so she could avail of free vaccine to lessen the risk of getting infected with HPV. She tries to explain the nature of this virus through her video content. Through games and rap battle, she busts the myths surrounding HPV.


But will her parents eventually allow her to get this vaccine or will they hold on to beliefs associated to HPV or Human Papilloma Virus?

The second character is MAYA, a transwoman who deals with distractions as she prepares for a gender education talk. One such distraction is her romantic partner who wonders why she's breaking up with him. As she traces the source of her HPV, she begins to question if there's any point to the blaming.


The last character is ROGER who has been leaving video messages for his son, instructing him about the ways of the world--about sex and safety, about responsibility and forgiving, about how he could navigate through life and find meaningful relationships, and about HPV. In the end, we find out what fuels him to make these video messages.


Somehow, these three characters affect each other and influence others. Individually, they underline the value of correct information. Together, they endorse a method to reduce the risk of getting HPV.


We were able to watch the Gala night of KA.SEEN.HALAGA (HPV.OUT!) and this play is very informative and gives us a detailed explanation about HPV, on how we get it and avoid it. It is a three act play that discusses HPV creatively.

The first act is very current and entertaining. It utilizes the use of social media and elements of fantasy to shed the light of facts about HPV.

The second act is the one that the LGBTQ will definitely relate and love to as it evolves on the story of a transwoman and his partner and how HPV affects their relationship.

The third act serves as the heart of the play as it will definitely cry your heart out loud with the story of a father on how he educates his upcoming baby for the prevention of HPV.

Overall, KA.SEEN.HALAGA (HPV.OUT!) is not only an advocacy theater play but will also let you feel valued for yourself after watching it.
KA.SEEN.HALAGA (HPV.OUT!) is a powerful and informative play that sheds light on the importance of HPV awareness, utilizing creative storytelling and relatable characters to convey crucial information. The play's three acts tackle the topic from different angles, from the use of social media and fantasy in Act 1, to the personal stories of a trans individual and their partner in Act 2, and a father's emotional journey in Act 3. The play not only educates viewers about HPV prevention but also leaves a lasting impact, encouraging self-reflection and empowerment. 

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